An Introduction to Canning

An Introduction to Canning
article writer
by Keith McCauley
September 8, 2020, Updated October 28, 2022

Can you do the Can-Can? In North America, August is the start of a very exciting and busy time for farmers and gardeners. It's around this time that the crops you've planted really start to produce a bounty of fresh fruit and veggies. The only downside to this cornucopia of crisp consumables is that, given time, it will fade, spoil, rot and decay. (Thanks, Debbie Downer!) This is why people have been canning food for centuries.

Not only does canning preserve your bounteous harvest, it's also a time-honored tradition. Many of us have memories (hopefully fond) of preserving pickles, peaches and pears with parents and grandparents. Others have received sweet and thoughtful gifts from canning friends. There's nothing quite like the simple joy of opening a jar of peaches in the late fall to enjoy with a dash of nutmeg and cinnamon.

For these reasons”and many more”we want to help you celebrate canning for the entire month of August. August 1st, after all, is International Can-It-Forward Day. With harvest season quickly advancing it's time to get the most out of our beloved plants.

This month we will be showcasing canning tips, facts, and recipes on our Facebook, Pinterest, and Google+ accounts. Plus they all have really pretty photos showcasing food and packaging in perfect harmony. Like this image below.




So get your glass jars, or plastisol lids and get ready to preserve some food! We also have a wealth of information to pass along as you make your way to canning bliss.

How do I know what to can?

Check out our home canning guide with canning wheel to learn the best method for preserving any food item.

How do I can them?

We have an amazing resource for you. Rachel Hansen, blogger extraordinaire, has compiled the best collection of our canning articles. Check it out!

Wait How much food should I keep or give as gifts?

You’re in luck fellow food saver and or gifter. We just revamped our Food Storage Calculator. Now you can know exactly how many lbs of food fit into gallons containers and then order said containers from us.

How do I use these newfangled lids of yours. They're not like my grandmas?

These are not your grandma's lids. But they're arguably better (don't tell grandma). Find out how to use them in our highly popular Plastisol Saga articles, parts one and two.

Golly, thanks Container and Packaging!

Aw, shucks it was nothing. If you have any questions, reach out to us and let us know. We're always eager to talk canning! Have a bountiful harvest!