4 Major Pros & Minor Cons of Glass Packaging for Personal Care

4 Major Pros & Minor Cons of Glass Packaging for Personal Care
Container and Packaging
by Container and Packaging
March 20, 2023, Updated April 26, 2023

Beauty is in the eye of the package beholder—the saying should go in the personal care industry. The look and feel of packaging in this space mean everything to brand perception. Glass packaging is becoming increasingly popular in the beauty and self-care marketplace. What’s behind this trend? Let’s break it down. 


#1: Aesthetic Appeal

Glass packaging is seen as more upscale and luxurious than other materials like plastic. With a smooth high-end look, it literally carries more weight. Even when in a colored glass to match the brand style, its transparent nature allows the product inside to be visible. This packaging is a real show off—and that can be appealing to customers.

#2: Fresh Takes

Fresh and free from contamination, glass packaging is non-porous and airtight. It’s protected from external factors like air, gas, odors, and even more insidious polluters like bacteria. It can even protect products from light to various degrees when tinted, painted, or UV coated. This makes glass an exceptional choice for natural, organic, and preservative-free beauty lines. Glass is also an inert material, meaning it does not react with the essential oils and other chemicals in personal care products, protecting their integrity. This becomes crucial for products like perfumes to retain the intended scent and appeal.

#3: Versatile Vibes

Glass can be molded into a wide range of shapes and sizes, offering flexibility in product design. For added functionality and options, it can be combined with other materials like metal or plastic. Glass allows for a wide range of personal care and beauty products too, from serums and lotions to perfume and candles. 

#4: Sustainable Selling Points

Glass is 100% recyclable ad infinitum. Taking less energy to recycle than plastic, and less energy to recycle than to manufacture new, glass can be endlessly recycled without losing quality. Eco-conscious consumers actively look for products that reduce their environmental impact. Easily sanitized and reused, glass packaging makes a great option for refillable products too.


#1: Cost Factor

Are you competing on price point or brand impression? Glass packaging can be more expensive than plastic packaging, so factor that in when calculating overall cost. For companies looking to differentiate through a competitive price tag, glass packaging might not be the first pick.

#2: Make or Break

Some products, like shampoo, conditioner, and bath soap, need to be designed to handle a “slippery when wet” shower situation. If dropped on porcelain or tile, glass can shatter and create a dangerous, messy situation. Glass packaging might call for additional protection when shipping and handling. Breakage results in product waste and lost revenue.   

#3: Weighty Decision

Glass is naturally heavier than other materials like plastic, increasing shipping costs and even carbon emissions associated with transportation. It’s likely not the best choice for travel-friendly products either.

#4: Fits the Mold?

Even though glass can be molded into a wide array of shapes and sizes, it’s not as endlessly flexible as plastic and other materials. This may limit the design options available for certain personal care products.

All things considered, how does glass packaging add up for your personal care business? Even when weighing the cost, fragility, and form factors, glass opens up several advantages for beauty products, including premium appearance, freshness, versatility, and sustainability. For more information about glass, or to see a sample of one of our many glass products, give us a call, and we will be happy to help! 

