Pick your faves for “Best Of” packaging parody movie posters calendar

Pick your faves for “Best Of” packaging parody movie posters calendar
Container and Packaging
by Container and Packaging
September 8, 2020, Updated June 16, 2021

In December of the past six years, we’ve released a calendar for the upcoming year. These calendars feature atrocious packaging parodies of popular movies. This has been one of the ways we wish our customers/friends, “Happy Holidays!” And of course, the idea of having a reminder of Container & Packaging Supply hanging on your wall throughout the year is good for business; yours and ours!

After six years, we’ve created 72 movie posters, and for our 2015 calendar (coming up in just a few months) we’re doing A BEST OF calendar. We’ve gone through and picked our top 24, but we need you to narrow it down to 12.

Vote for your top 12 favorites

Zip on over to our facebook page and vote for your faves. All you have to do is click on the VOTE button, and you’re done.

What is a packaging parody movie poster? We take popular movie posters and “package” them. For example:

  • Avatar becomes Avajar
  • The Incredibles becomes The Incredipails
  • Despicable Me becomes Dispensible Me
  • Captain America become Cap of America

You get the idea.

Now get on over to our facebook page and vote!

Vote for your top 12 favorites